SPAIN 2010

Travel Adventure

Florida - 30 March 2010

I sit at my home in Tampa, preparing for a trip to Spain.  This will be, for me, a great adventure, and a different experience.

I have been to Spain before, but this will be my first solo trip of any kind since I married the most wonderful wife a man could imagine.

I guess this could be called my "Senior Trip".  Not because of any academic achievements, but because at 62 years old I am definitely feeling Senior.

The photo on the right was taken a few years ago.  It is in the area of Riotuerto.  It is the home of my Gutierrez ancestors.  Located just inland from Santander and its busy modern port.  In fact, Riotuerto and the town of La Cavada, are just beyond the foothills seen in the masthead photos on this site.

My family still lives in the area, in Santander and nearby communities.  I am fortunate to have wonderful "cousins" in this great area, and I've been invited to stay with my cousin Lorena Ruiz and her young family.  I will meet Lorena's 2 year old son for the first time.

And I will be there for the birth of my other cousin's little girl in late April.  I will be sure to take photos, especially of the many generations.  Nuria and Lorena's grandmother, Marcelina, just turned 92 years old.  She is the 1st cousin of my father.

There are many other family and friends that I will see and with whom I'll spend many happy hours.

I will use these pages to document and share my adventure.  The Maps and Routes pages show what areas and cities I visit, along with graphic information about Norhern Spain.  Historia is where I will share the history of my family and of their region of Spain, and blog about my own experiences.  Photo Gallery is going to be a series of slide shows sharing what I see.  Contact is a link to my email, and Links is where you might find more information on some of the things I write about.

So now I am ready for my adventure to begin.  Please return here to share it with me.