SPAIN 2010

Travel Adventure

Cantabria - 28 April 2010

Last couple of days have been fairly quiet. 

Yesterday, the 27th, I caught up on some laundry and went for a hike in the nearby mount.  The weather has been great for a few days, unseasonably warm and pleasant.

When I returned from the hike, there on the door handle was the daily bread.  Fresh bread delivered 6 days a week (not on Wednesday), to your door 52 weeks a year for about $1 US a day.
It is good and almost everyone here gets the deliveries.  Oddly enough, almost everyone feeds the leftover bread to the neighborhood cows and horses.

Today, Wednesday, was a lunch visit with cousins Felix, Marcelina, Alejandro, his wife Isabel and Felix's wife Lenas.  We had a spread of fresh fish and shrimp on the covered patio.  The weather again was ideal.

Tonight the Full Moon has just risen and looks huge.  There must be some sort of celebration because at 11:00 PM there were several loud bangs (explosions) followed by church bells, followed by more bangs and horns.  All quiet now, but I hear an owl calling nearby.

Signing off now.  More later.



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